Add contact information
Yes, people can reach out to you on social media, but given the nature of B2B transactions, not all prospects may be comfortable with this route. So, make it effortless for them to contact you by including your website/landing page link towards the end of the bio. If possible, also add the location you’re based out of, an email address, and a phone number.
End with a call-to-action
If you have an Instagram Business Account, for instance, you can use CTA or call-to-action buttons to steer people in a direction of your choice. That said, even if you don’t use them, or are writing your bio for another platform, incorporate a call-to-action in your copy. It could be ‘visit our website’, ‘follow us for tips and tricks’, ‘download a free e-book’, etc. Be sure to follow this up with the relevant URL.
Once you’re done, review your bio and edit it where necessary to maximize impact and eliminate any ambiguity. In addition to this, pick a clear image for your profile and also mention your business’ name in full. Lastly, track metrics to see if the new bio contributes to a growth spurt on social media. If not, consider making tweaks.
A crisp bio is only a small part of your social media game plan. At Resolute B2B, we can help you get it absolutely right, and take care of all other social media marketing exercises too. From creating personalized strategies for LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and Quora, to crafting content and building engagement—we handle it all. Contact us to explore your options.