Top 5 things to know before investing in web development

If you are a business that is into digital marketing, then you understand the importance of a website. Each website visitor is a prospective client. Research suggests it takes about 50 milliseconds for a visitor to form an opinion. So, you’ve got 0.05 seconds to impress them enough to explore your website further. This can mean a potential sale, or a brand loyalist is at its worst. That is why investing in B2B web development in 2022 will mean quality leads and improved revenue generation.

If you’re wondering how web development makes your brand an interesting choice, read on.

What is B2B web development?

Web development is the process of building a B2B website from scratch. It includes coding & its functionality to finalize the flow, font, and color schemes. People often confuse web design with web development. The former includes all the steps that you take to improve the user experience on your website. Web designers use design software to create a template and pass it on to web developers. The developers use programming languages and work on the template to realize the website. Alternatively, you can also use a content management system (CMS) to develop a B2B website.

Why you must invest in web development

1. Streamline the layout

Your website represents your brand. The site visitor will translate a cluttered website into an unsorted organization. We’ve already established how much the first impression matters. Hence, understand what your prospects are looking for and layout the website accordingly. Simply keep the pages informative and the access to contact information handy.

2. Optimize website content

Ensure that your website content is up-to-date and can hold visitors’ attention. Optimize the content to improve your reachability while looking professional.

3. Eliminate page lagging

Continuing along the same lines, improve the quality of images, videos, and animations on your website. When you optimise these as well, you reduce the page loading speed. The visitors will keep coming back to you since your site is both engaging and easy to access.

4. Improve tracking

With the right web development tricks up your sleeve, you can track and report any activity on your website. Then use the reports to improve your sales and marketing efforts. It makes your business more efficient and improves conversion rates.

5. Tailor recommendation

Tracking website activity also enables you to personalize suggestions for visitors. You can upsell and cross-sell your products or services, thus increasing the chances of a purchase.

If you’ve noticed, all the reasons mentioned above boil down to improving the user experience. Because that’s the only way they’ll come back to you for a purchase. The search engines too will notice this and improve your ranking, thus boosting website traffic. Therefore, B2B web development is an investment that is bound to give high returns.

B2B Web development trends you mustn’t miss out on

We’ve identified the five biggest website development trends that B2B organisations like yours can use to propel themselves ahead of their competitors. Here they are:

1.  Progressive Web Apps (PWA)

PWAs use the latest web features on a secure connection to provide a rich web-based experience on a mobile phone. You elevate the user experience with PWA, comparatively more than with native web apps. While the latter can only run inside a web browser, PWA can run equally smoothly in a web browser and when installed on a hand-held device.

2. Single Page Application (SPA)

Unlike traditional methods, SPA technology enables a single page that loads the whole website. It then loads dynamic content. Thus, page load speed is reduced considerably. Using SPA, you can even make updates offline. Debugging also becomes easier. Thus, the whole process is simplified while offering a seamless experience to the site visitors.

3. Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)

Launched in 2015 by Google, this technology is one of the fads of 2022. The purpose of AMP is to ensure that a page loads smoothly on a mobile phone and works seamlessly irrespective of the make, model, or operating system. AMP pages load 11 times faster, thus improving your sites’ reach and visibility. This will eventually contribute to better search engine rankings.

4. Voice search optimization

Statista has predicted that the smart speaker market is set to reach $35.5 billion globally by 2025. It is way past the time for you to jump on the voice search bandwagon and optimise your website for it. It is not only the top web development trend but also one of the most sought-after site requirements for visitors.

5. AI-powered chatbot

As a B2B company, you might be providing products/services across the globe and 24/7. AI-powered chatbots can provide real-time assistance to website visitors. Powered by Natural Language Processing (NLP), they automate the lead qualification process. The Chatbots thus de-stress your human resources while improving the customer experience.

When you invest in web development, it’ll change how your current and prospective customers interact with you. However, B2B web development is an ongoing process and not a one-time thing. Use the trends discussed today to beat your competitors. Or consider collaborating with experts like Resolute B2B for one-stop solutions. Give us a call at +91 – 8121631602 (India) or +1 302-664-8181 (USA) or send us an email at

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